About Me

My photo
Puerto Rico
This is my personal art blog in it you will find my work, things that inspire me useful links and tutorial and many other things that can help you become a better artist but it will mostly serve as a showcase of my art for others to critic and help me become a better artist. Enjoy. If you wanna chat be sure to send me an email at animations2008@hotmail.com


Here you will find a great list of interviews all done by me that will inspire you to create some new art. I hope you enjoy them. Remember to leave a comment on them. Enjoy them.

David Ryan
Ben Pyles
Gabrielle Rose
Alexander Picht
Zappa Blamma
Tyvon J. Thomas
Joy MacMillan
Hunter Russell 

If you have an artist that you want to be interviewed, be sure to post a comment to below with the artists name and a link to his portfolio or somewhere I can view his work. Looking forward to your suggestions.