About Me

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Puerto Rico
This is my personal art blog in it you will find my work, things that inspire me useful links and tutorial and many other things that can help you become a better artist but it will mostly serve as a showcase of my art for others to critic and help me become a better artist. Enjoy. If you wanna chat be sure to send me an email at animations2008@hotmail.com

Thursday, August 12, 2010

More TopCat Studies

Hey guys and gals. Mabelma here to apologize for not having posted yesterday, there was a blackout at my house so I couldn't really upload anything but today we have a two new posts. Here are the rest of John K's Toy Study(TopCat) Enjoy and be sure to leave a comment below. Enjoy!
As always, here are the original.

Here they are below the actual images.

From what I can see, I need to work on my perspective a lot and on my sizing but it would be great if you could find anything else and tell me what you think needs fixing.
Looking forward to your comments.

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