About Me

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Puerto Rico
This is my personal art blog in it you will find my work, things that inspire me useful links and tutorial and many other things that can help you become a better artist but it will mostly serve as a showcase of my art for others to critic and help me become a better artist. Enjoy. If you wanna chat be sure to send me an email at animations2008@hotmail.com

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Toy Study(Top Cat)

Today I made this blog so I could post my work and others could critic it and as soon. I started a small program I know will help me become a better artist/cartoonist. So without further ado, the first lesson from John K's blog, "Toy Study (TopCat)" Enjoy and be sure to leave a comment below.

Here are the images I came up with, they aren't pretty though.

JohnK suggested to take the images into Photoshop and put them over the original images, this is what I got

I'm going to try out the other set on John's blog and see what I come up with. Also, I'll try to update the blog with the exercises daily and with a few other things I know you will like.

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